30 Saturday

The Cauldron: Wizards afternoon Tea

Sat, December 30, 2023 - Sun, December 31, 2023 (8:00 am - 5:00 pm)Europe/London
Wizard Exploratorium
26 Greek St, London W1D 5DE, United Kingdom


Wizard Afternoon Tea at The Wands & Wizard Exploratorium® is a social-distance friendly, interactive tea-brewing experience where you step into the imagined worlds of your childhood through the subtle science of tea brewing, molecular gastronomy, and technology. It has been specially designed for social distancing!

Spell Casting: After selecting your magic wand, you are led to an interactive work station where you cast spells with your wand to control your tea stand and open your locked puzzle chest, which contains your ingredients.

Tea Brewing: During your time with us you will brew two different types of interactive teas, the first of which focuses on transfiguration and second of which has been designed to encourage experimentation and iteration for finding the perfect blend for your palette.  You can expect to be hands-on with your tea and use all of your senses.

Confectionary Delights: Your Wizard Afternoon Tea Experience includes a scone and a carefully curated selection of “sand-witches,” and desserts.  These may be items you’ve never tried or even heard of before, and we’ve baked molecular gastronomy into this other-worldy tea experience!


  1. magic wand and equipment rental,

  2. two interactive teas that you brew,

  3. scone and a curated selection of “sand-witches,” and desserts, and

  4. the 1hr 45min interactive experience.





Gluten Free


  • Everyone attending must have a ticket for entry.

  • The venue is not accessible by wheelchairs as it is set across 3 floors.

  • The Wizard Afternoon Tea is largely self-guided, but a potion’s master is on-hand to make sure that you don’t turn yourself into a frog!

  • Please note that our cakes and desserts routinely change and so might not be the ones you see in the photos!

  • Vegetarian, Vegan and Gluten-free versions of Wizard Afternoon Tea are available, and must be requested in advance and at the time of booking, as additional preparation is needed.

  • PLEASE NOTE THAT WE ARE UNABLE TO CATER TO NUT ALLERGIES. As our menus are pre-set and pre-ordered, we are unable to alter any menu items for personal preferences or dietary requirements outside of defined menus. We are not able to offer a mixture of menus (i.e. Gluten Free Vegetarian). Unfortunately, these requests will not be accommodated.


For groups of 14+, to further customise your visit, or private hires please get in touch.

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